Friday, December 17, 2021

Sam (Update)

Sam is recovering nicely from his leg amputation. He still has a long way to go, but he is adjusting well to life as a tripod.

Sam gets around fine, although slow. He loves just laying in the yard (we have to limit his time outdoors), and he can surprisingly go up and down steps without any issue.

We recently received our holiday donation box from Max and Neo CBD which included several items to help Sam. Items included were a super soft blanket for him to rest on, a cute little squeaky toy, and a bottle of CBD oil among other things.

Initially, we couldn't get Sam to eat ANY dog food or treats. We tried wet food, dry food, lots of treats, etc. We ended up giving him roasted chicken so we could get him to take his meds. After the chicken, we again offered him the freeze dried treats from the donation box and he actually ate them! With that, I was able to drip the CBD oil on the treats and he was resting comfortably a short time later.

Stay tuned for more updates on sweet Sammy. I'm sure he can't wait to have the staples and cone removed.

Max and Neo CBD donates a bottle of CBD oil to the rescue or shelter of your choice for every bottle purchased through We have been fortunate enough to receive several donations throughout the year that were used for our seniors with arthritis, dogs with seizures, and general anxiety.

Humphrey House for Homeless Animals is a small, foster-based rescue located in Baltimore, Maryland.

Click here to donate. Your support helps Humphrey House for Homeless Animals continue to care for special needs pets like Sam.

Visit our Rescue Me page for a list of animals we currently have available for adoption.

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